Gut Brain Blueprint


You won’t heal through trial and error. 

If that was going to work, it would have by now... 


Maybe you’ve “tried everything” but I bet you haven’t tried this…yet. It’s the number one mistake everyone makes while on their gut health journey but it needs to be priority number ONE.

Your nervous system is stop number one because if your body doesn’t feel safe, it can’t heal. 

When we heal the nervous system, we create a resilient gut. 



Let me make one thing clear, its not all in your head.

You’ve tried all different food eliminations, tried all the supplements, purchased the “beat the bloat” guides, maybe even gotten an IBS diagnosis from your doctor and still feel so far away from a solution. You’ve done so much that you’re starting to question if there is even an answer out there…

I’m here to tell you that thriving is your birthright and you don’t have to settle for the shell of yourself and the lack of health that society says is normal.

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Ready to take action?


I am about to give you the answer that nobody wants about gut health because as much as social media wants to convince us that one product or even one diet is going to be the key in finally getting rid of the stubborn gut symptoms like bloating and low energy,

There is one common thread I see with every single one of my gut health clients ...

There is more than simply the symptoms that come with the territory, it's a mindset, it's a lifestyle, it's an archetype … AND it's a pattern in our bodies. I call this archetype the 'gut health girlie' because there's so more that we have in common than just bloating.

Let me guess….

  • you have extremely high expectations for yourself
  • you have a tendency to put others before yourself 
  • you're extremely driven and you view taking on something new as a challenge that YOU WILL excel at 

...maybe even maybe, some of these tendencies can make you feel a little anxious from time to time


  • you are tired of battling constant bloating, irregular stools, plummeting energy levels and wondering what is wrong with you…
  • you’ve tried countless dietary shifts, supplements and products only to end up disappointed again…
  • low mood, anxious thoughts and the relentless demands of your work-life balance leave you feeling overwhelmed and out of control of your health…
  • you log on to social media to look for solutions and leave feeling more confused and overwhelmed…
  • you’ve been to doctors (maybe even gotten that super helpful, IBS diagnosis) only to be given one medication as an option and been told that you just have to “manage it”

You’re tired of battling with your body each day…



I get it and I've been there.


Despite the fact that 86% of Americans struggle with a chronic health conditions and 74% struggle with digestive troubles, there is no guide book provided.

You’re in the right place and you’re here because you don’t want to have to fight tooth and nail …anymore.

Hard truth: You can’t separate your mind and your body so your symptoms are connected to your beliefs. You need science, guidance AND nervous system regulation in order to heal your gut for good.

Gut Brain Blueprint

A 6 month precision crafted program combining nutrition science and nervous system regulation to get to the root cause of your gut issues and help you heal for good.

...yes, once and for all.

Inside Gut Brain Blueprint...

  • 12X bi-weekly sessions tailored to your specific needs, including a deep dive initial call where we will go through your entire healthy history to understand what got you to where you are at today
  • GI MAP analysis call where we will go through each individual marker in your gut microbiome and connect them with your symptoms  
  • 1X Personalized nutrition, lifestyle and supplement protocol based on our initial call and GI MAP results to take your through the phases of gut healing with ease
  • 24/7 voice messaging /messaging support in between sessions 

  • Resources education and long term maintenance plan at the end to set you up for success on your own! 
  • Stool test and access to wholesale supplement pricing included in program

**Read on for an added bonus FOR THE EARLY 2024 ROUND OF Gut Brain Blueprint ONLY**

Support that is individual to you.

I don't use a one size fits all approach here. Each body and life is different and each protocol is individually tailored as such - from nutrition to lifestyle and exercise.


Functional testing to get to the root cause.

I use comprehensive stool testing to give us a picture into the inner workings of your gut microbiome to work backwards and heal you from the inside out. We don’t play the guessing game around here, we use testing to get to the root cause.


Tailored Nutrition Support. 

Nutrition is a spectrum that shifts and fluxes in different phases of our lives. I have a strong focus on providing tools and education specific to you, sustainable for life.

Nervous system regulation.

I use breath work and mindfulness to support the stress response in the body and heal the bi-directional connection between mind and gut. This means we have to heal the specific mindsets, patterns and emotions associated with gut dysregulation. This is equally important to what you are putting in your body.

Support and accountability.

Healing is an equal combination of doing the right things and creating the right habits. I focus on education, the WHY, behind my recommendations so that you have an understanding of your body as well as the WHY behind the decisions you are currently making.

Habit Formation.

Habits have a root cause too. I will give you tangible recommendations but also help you reconnect with your own inner guidance so that you can cut through all of the noise and make decisions that are best for your body. In order to heal you need to get out of your head and listen to your body and I will be alongside you every step of the way to support you as you reconnect with yourself.

It's time to come home to yourself.


I'm ready!

A look inside Gut Brain Blueprint...

If we haven’t had a chance to meet…
Hi! I’m Abby,

After struggling my whole life with gut issues, I decided to take matters into my own hands with my nutrition. Within 3 months I had cured my asthma, had banished all gut health symptoms and was at the top of my performance as a college athlete. 

My calling found me. 

This was only the beginning… 

After traveling overseas, contracting parasites, candida, leaky gut and a host of other overgrowths leading to anxiety and panic attacks, I used functional testing, nutrition, and nervous system regulation to get rid of these symptoms for good and heal my gut. Now I help women do the same every day.

In my own healing process and in my client work, I realized that healing your gut is more than just the right protocol, the nutrition, or the science.  Bringing my psychology background into the mix, I realized that there is an archetype, personality traits that is the common thread between people who struggle with gut health (hint hint: it’s a big part of stubborn symptoms).


The final product? Anxiety and gut issues, living in your head and being disconnected from your body.   

By combining the science with somatics, we get not only short term symptom relief but long term healing. We shift from reaction to resilience and we break the cycle of feeling like we have to achieve perfection in order to heal. I know you’re ready to put in the work so read on for a breakdown of the process… 

I am the...

  • OG gut health girlie, really I’ve been obsessed with gut health since before it was popular
  • Mind body nutritionist
  • MS Nutrition and Integrative Health
  • Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)
  • RESET Breathwork Facilitator 
  • BS Psychology

the solution?

Gut Brain Blueprint

Picture your physical health as the foundation of a house, and I'm all about Maslow's hierarchy of needs vibe. Yeah, that's right, basic nourishment and safety in our body are at the foundation, but here we are, skipping meals like pros and calling a cereal bar a feast. And don't even get me started on the ice coffee breakfast trend—no wonder gut health supplements found on TikTok aren't solving our bloating dilemmas. It's all about those foundations, baby, because your body needs to feel safe before it can perform any healing magic.

I'm not here to sugarcoat anything because I'm also a science geek. Sure, nutrition basics are great, but they're just the beginning. If there's something funky going on in your gut, all the kale smoothies, well-balanced meals, and beauty sleep in the world won't fully solve the puzzle.

Your perfectionist tendencies may be holding you back from true healing. You might have tried it and ended up with fewer symptoms but after a few months that bloating and fatigue starts creeping back in. That’s a sign that you didn’t truly get to the root cause.

That's where the GI MAP stool test comes in. You know that moment when you went to the doctor, got the 'live with it' verdict for your IBS, and thought, 'Um, no thanks'? That's not my style. We’re going to work on creating a strong and resilient foundation to get your body in a good spot for the deep work, and wait for those GI MAP results to tell us exactly what’s cooking in your gut. From there, it’s all about a personalized protocol based on your results, symptoms and goals. 

We’re not just looking for disease management, we are leveraging your physical body to create resilience in ALL areas of your life, and that starts in the gut!  My goal is for you to not only live symptom free but create a resilient gut that leads to a resilient being. 

Here's how we're gonna do it...

Nutrition Foundations

You have to run before you can walk, so often we get caught up in the fancy stuff that we forget the importance of consistency with the basics. Here we will focus on creating that strong and resilient foundation to prep your body for healing.

GI MAP Stool Testing

This is where we get specific to you. This test gives us a breakdown of exactly what is going on in your gut from inflammation to dysbiosis to digestion. This is how we get to the root cause and know exactly what steps to take.


Breathwork allows us to retrain your nervous system to create more resilience as well as rebuild and strengthen the gut brain connection. This in combination with mindfulness strategies are the secret sauce to healing the 'gut girlie' mindset.

Personalized Nutrition

Nutrition is personal, meaning that what is 'healing' for one person may not be for another and this can change at different times in your life. By understanding your symptoms, your test results and your lifestyle, we can create a personal nutrition plan to serve you and your goals.

Gut Brain Blueprint is for you if you...
  • want answers paired with clear guidance and steps of how to get your gut back to health  
  • got the IBS diagnosis or you’ve been attempting to manage your gut symptoms for years and you’re sitting there thinking “now what” 
  • feel overwhelmed, have tried a bunch of different diets and supplements and still feel like sh*t

  • know you have so much to offer the world and you are tired of letting your physical health hold you back from all you have to offer
  • struggle both with gut health and mental health

Gut Brain Blueprint is *not* for you if you...
  • aren’t willing to re-examine your lifestyle and make changes to prioritize your health 
  • can't prioritize 15 minutes a day to focus on healing yourself
  • don’t want to take the time or energy to commit to your health right now 

  • want a quick fix
  • are currently working with another practitioner on your gut health and just want a secondary opinion
  • know the exact steps to heal your gut and have absolutely no questions

What past clients are saying...

So let’s break this down!

Here is everything included inside Gut Brain Blueprint….

  • 1X initial health history analysis and nutrition related diagnoses based on deep dive session - 60-90 minutes ($400)
  • 11X biweekly sessions - 45 minutes ($2750)
  • voice message/messaging access between sessions ($800)
  • personalized food and supplement protocol based on any lab results and initial session together as well adjustments/modifications throughout the program ($1000)
  • additional materials and PDF guides provided based on individual client need ($300)
  • long term maintenance recommendations to set you up for success ($500)
  • GI MAP stool test (at whole sale price of $325) included
  • stool test, PDF analysis and recording of analysis for personal records ($500)
  • analysis of any provided bloodwork and option to add on additional labs if desired ($300)
  • access to online supplement dispensary and discounted prices. Supplements not included ($400)
  • 6, 60 minute 1:1 breathwork sessions ($1000) 
This is about more than getting rid of your bloating, this is about you regaining your quality of life and stepping into the most resilient and whole version of you.

The mind and body are not separate so we can’t treat them like they are. That’s why it is my mission to share and support as many people as possible. Gut Brain Blueprint can save you from years of trial and error and fighting with your body. You don’t have to live like a shell of yourself anymore.

If you were to buy each of these a la carte you’d spend $7150 but I’ve wrapped them all into one program for you.

Total value of this program is $8,150

Total Investment For Gut Brain Blueprint is Only $3627

Apply Here

What people are saying about breathwork...

Got Questions? Ask Away!

Frequently Asked Questions

(if you don’t see your question below, feel free to email me [email protected])
Next steps!

How It All Works

Step 1
Fill out an application or book a call!

If your application is accepted, you will receive an email within 72 hours with next steps. If you would prefer to hop on a call, book that below and we'll chat soon!

Step 2
Book your first session!

Once accepted, you will receive an email with all of the information and materials you will need prior to starting Gut Brain Blueprint and we will choose a time for our biweekly calls!

Step 3
Achieve Your Goals

Optimal health baby! That's where we are headed! I am so excited to have you on board and start our work together! See you on the otherside!

You have the option to fill out an application or book a call if you have further questions and want to chat directly with me!


Apply here!
Book a Call!
Still on the fence?

Here's what a few of my clients had to say:


So often, we make the mistake of thinking we need more information when in fact we need to take action.

Symptoms are your body communicating with you.

Its time to listen.

I'm Ready!